Dynamic pages, dataset and filter = error 404

Could anyone help me? In My dynamic page, mysite.com/Profile/Update… if I add the filter “show item based on url” > Owner > is > Logged in, tha page goes to error 404, but if i take out the filter or if i set “show item based on url” > Owner > is NOT > Logged in, the page works fine and it shows the user data, but i can not have more that one user as my additional pages show my first user data.

In what environment do you test this? Preview or published? I think you must try this in published not preview to make it work solid.

Andreas, thank you for your fast response, it’s published, and it’s working like that.

Well, when I goto the page I am not logged in and that’s why I get the 404 because it is trying to find my page and that does not exist. You must have the user login before they hit this page. This could be done on page settings and mark the page as a Member Page.

I have the login page at the home of my site, and they log in in one corner and after that the login button becomes “my account” button, so your advice is to change that? Than
k you very much for your help, i really appreciate it!