I’m trying to use a button to link from one dynamic page to another. I want buttons in my item Profile pages (all say Coffee b/c that’s the name of the collection which I can’t change…which is a whole other issue) to link to their corresponding category Restaurant/Coffee/Attractions pages. So, for example, I want a button in the item page “Profile-Restaurants Pubs” to link to the category page “Restaurants”.

For some reason, I’m able to link the item Profile Coffee page to the category Coffee page. But the Restaurants and Attractions category pages aren’t appearing in my connection box for the button - just the three item Profile pages and the one category Coffee page. Why aren’t all my category pages appearing to connect to?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Can you please provide a link to your site?
I’m having exactly the same problem. I have a dynamic page that is viewable by everybody. I created a dynamic page (based off of the same dataset) for members (so that they can edit content) but it will not show up when I try to link a button to it. the site address is www.wolfead.net A (the First one I created for everybody) shows up. B (the members only one) does not.
good news everyone! I figured out the problem. when you make two dynamic pages reference the same column in the same database their field name is exactly the same and wix choses the first one to display. when creating a new dynamic page, just add the column name twice (or three times, and so on). this gives the new dynamic page link a different name so that the button can reference it! see my example below.
Itai - my website is www.city-by-stroller.com. Thanks for your help.
I ended up having to re-arrange my URLs and that helped a bit. But after talking with Wix support, it sounds like want I want to do just isn’t possible. I want to link from one item page to another item page. For example, Profiles/Restaurants-Pubs/{neighborhood}/{title} to Profiles/Coffee/{neighborhood}/{title}. But when you add a link in a button, it references the dynamic URL in the same row as what you’ve indicated rather than looking at a dynamic URL in a different row .
So if I tell a button on Profiles/Coffee/Covent-Garden/Boki to link to Collections/Restaurants-Pubs/Flesh-and-Buns, it’s going to try to link to Profiles/Restaurants-Pubs/Covent-Garden/Boki - which doesn’t exist. You can’t link from one row to another within the same dataset, basically.

If you can figure out a workaround, that would be amazing.
Im having precisely the equal problem. I even have a dynamic web page that is viewable through everyone. I created a dynamic page (based off of the identical dataset) for contributors (so we can edit content material)
“Precisely the equal problem”? How exactly? Please add your own issue into a new post instead of bumping up an old post. Explain what you are trying to do, what works, and what doesn’t. Also, add any code in a code block as stated in the Forum Guidelines .
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