Hi guys, loving having a play with this lovely new tool.
I have a problem which i’m hoping you can help me with.
I’ve created a dataset for Testimonials with 8 different testimonials. I have designed the single testimonial page and made it a dynamic page. I’ve created the gallery on a separate page and linked them through to the individual Testimonials. But they are all linking through to the same testimonial, even though the correct image is showing iin the gallery.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi Sian,
From your screenshot I can tell that you didn’t filter your dynamic page to show a single item, it’s showing all items. I can tell because it says (All) in the name. So what’s happening is your page is filtering on all the items but you designed it to only show one, so it’s showing the first item each time.
You need to go to the settings for your dynamic page and add a filter to the URL that makes the page a dynamic item page. You need to filter on the field in your collection that uniquely identifies each entry.
I’ll send a link to some articles in a sec.
Once you fix your dynamic item page, you won’t need the second dataset on your page. You will link your elements to the dynamic item page dataset which will make sure the right item appears.
Also, see here: CMS: About Connecting Page Elements to Collection Content | Help Center | Wix.com
and especially the last section here: CMS: About Connecting Page Elements to Collection Content | Help Center | Wix.com
Hope this helps. Let us know.
HI jeff,I had kinda got there as I realised it was only taking data from one place.
thanks for the extra info. i’ve managed it now but not entirely sure how i did it ;-0
so I’m now going to try to replicate it.
Hi all. I have an opposite situation. One page, two records in database, just one field displayed for two elements in the page. Please, look at appended images
Come on guys, please help me aloisio.farias@gmail.com
Hi, @sian-ellis-thomas , hi @aloisiofarias !
Is this still an issue for you?
If so, I would recommend you to try out using customizable widgets.
I use Elfsight Testimonials Slider widget and really enjoy.
Do try this quick and working solution!