Dynamic User Buttons on User Input forms

In advance thank you for the assistance…there are numerous posts and chats etc but I am not able to find a clear cut answer

Is there a way to add a button to a user input for that once clicked displays additional fields to capture the user data.

Has anyone seen or have the code used to achieve this…I have seen repeaters mentioned, hide/display etc

I am not able to find a clear and concise answer and guide…

Thank you

Your question is not clear enough.
Can you please elaborate more informations?

-How do look like your SETUP ?
-Which elements are used?
a) Table?
b) Repeater?
c) Multistate-Box?
d) what ever else…?

How do look like your form ?
Where is placed your button ?
Is your form connected to a DATABASE ?
…and so on…?

Some screenshot?

Hi Warren :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

You need to use the button’s onClick( ) event handler to expand the intended fields.

const steps = {
    step1: { triggered: false, fields: ['email', 'password'] },
    step1: { triggered: false, fields: ['firstName', 'lastName'] },
    step1: { triggered: false, fields: ['phone', 'address'] },

$w('#showButton').onClick(() => {
    for (const stepNum in steps) {
        if (!steps[stepNum].triggered) {
            steps[stepNum].triggered = true;
            steps[stepNum].fields,forEach((field) => $w(`#${field}`).expand());

Hope this helps~!

I am not sure :roll_eyes: Ahmad. There was something about → “dynamic”.
But perhaps i try to think too much into future.

@russian-dima maybe he meant additional - different - fields whenever it’s clicked.

In this case, I’ll update my answer.

Firstly thank everyone. I have a user input form with elements.

Example; Pet = Dog

Next to this element I want to add a button that once clicked makes additional input field or fieldss appear that the user will populate with the additional set of data.

Pet Dog, Cat

Yes form is connected database.

@ahmadnasriya correct additional fields of the same category…ie 1 pet field when clicked a second pet input field appears

So you want the same fields as the original fields to show up? If that’s the case, then you need to use repeaters and then add a new item to that repeater.

$w('#showButton').onClick(() => {
    // Generating an _id for the item.
    const _id = String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));
    // Creating new item    
    const item = { _id }
    // Add the item to the repeater
    const data = $w('#repeater').data;
    // Update the repeater
    $w('#repeater').data = data;

thank you, I’ll give it a try.