I have a question regarding Wix, not sure if this is the proper venue since I’m still new to Wix. One feature in our existing site to ask the customers to select a learning course then input their information through a form then pay. after payment, it would connect to the 3rd party service. I’ve searched about Wix Booking and Wix Store but I don’t think they are the right apps for the type of system we are building. Hopefully, I can get your advice about this. Can I just create a custom “products/services” page with the list of courses and then redirect them to a form and add a separate payment method through an API? (all from scratch) Or is there a simpler way to do this?
Hope you could answer.
Thank you!
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- Yes you can build your own Payment-System.
- Yes you can create your own alternative shop-system.
The only question will be, if you are able to do that. It won’t be an easy way to go.
Can I just create a custom “products/services” page with the list of courses
Can be done by a “dynamic-page” for example.
On this site you will find the right example for your project, to realize payment-flow…
Thank you for your reply. If we won’t be creating a custom implementation for the payment and shop page, is there an existing app we can customize to fit our customer requirements?
Thank you!
You can look at the app-store in wix, perhaps you will find a solution which fits for your needs. But all of these apps are not customizable.
I saw something on QueenNayelis’s webpage, but can’t say surely if it was a fully online-shop-offer. You could take a look there “totalycodable” or something like that.
Or just try to create your own one, by lerarning some CORVID-CODE and coding techniques, here at these forum.
And at least, you can also hire an proffesional or freelancer to help you to get your own solution.