Editing text in fields (submissions/newsletter)?

Hi experts,

Does anyone know where in the code it is possible to edit text properties (specifically size) on mobile in form text fields? Specifically, in submission form fields. A screenshot is attached. In this case, the text size can only be changed to 12 points using the Editor, and cannot be made

Wix advises this is a Corvid task, and I have no idea how to target this.

Thank you!

You are using the Wix app called Wix Forms and the Get Subscribers Form from within it, therefore your issue is not code related and Wix Corvid Forum can’t help with Wix Forms app settings.

As you are using a Wix app you are limited to what you can do with it by whatever the settings are for each Wix app, you can’t use Wix Corvix to add code to manipulate it to do so.

If you are wanting to make the text smaller and you can’t do so in the Wix Forms app settings, then I do thoroughly suggest that you stop using Wix Forms and look at making up your own custom user input forms with the use of user inputs and Wix Corvid too.

By using your own user inputs you can set the text size done to 6 at the lowest as shown here.
https://support.wix.com/en/article/changing-the-text-size for Wix Desktop Eidtor.
https://support.wix.com/en/article/changing-the-size-of-your-text-on-your-mobile-site for Mobile Editor and note that you can press the cog button to have the text size window appear like from the Desktop Editor as well, you are not limited to just using the + and - buttons either.

There are many Wix Support pages out there already that show you how to do such a thing and explain in tutorials or youtube videos for example.

For a simple Subscribe Form in code on your site like this below, then you can simply use the code listed underneath the pic to see how we use onAfterSave to use the data from the user input form after it has been saved to a dataset, so that the new subscriber can be made in your Contacts list in your Wix CRM and also have a triggered email sent out to them as well.

import wixCRM from 'wix-crm';

$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#NewSubscriber").onAfterSave(() => {
let name = $w("#newsubscriberName").value;
let email = $w("#newsubscriberEmail").value;
let privacyPolicy = $w("#newsubscriberPrivacy").value;
let label = ["Subscribed"];

"name": name,
"emails": [email]

.then((contactId) => { 
// Need to use the triggered email name
return wixCRM.emailContact('newsubscriber', contactId, { 
"variables": { 
// Need to use the triggered email variable names
"name": name,
"email": email,
.catch((err) => { 
// handle the error if the email wasn't sent
console.log(`Error: ${err}`);

Thanks so much for the reply. This actually is a custom-made user input field, not an app made form. You can adjust the size down to 6pt using the gear icon, but it doesn’t actually change the size on the live site past 12points. Do you know how to identify the code that controls the size so I can manually set it? I hope this makes sense.


Like I have said in my previous reply to you.

You are using the Wix app called Wix Forms and the Get Subscribers Form from within it, therefore your issue is not code related and Wix Corvid Forum can’t help with Wix Forms app settings.

It is not a custom made user input field, it is still a field from within a Wix Form

Regardless of whether you add the Wix Forms app or you go through the Add+ and Contacts on the Wix Editor menu, you are still adding a already made up form which is made through Wix Forms already.

This is what you have used.
Look at what is highlighted in the red rectangle, your section is part of Wix Forms.

It will allow you to go down to 6 in the font size if you use your own user inputs like I had done in my form and not gone through Wix Forms etc.

The form I showed with the code sample is a simple container box with text boxes as user inputs for name and email with a checkbox boolean field for the user to have agreed to the privacy policy.

When the user clicks on the submit button, this gets saved into a subscribers dataset, after which the code takes over and it saves the details in to the Contacts list in the Wix CRM with the Subscribed label, as it only adds the Subscribed label automatically if you do it through Wix Forms like you have done above.

Then it sends a triggered email to the user to say thank you for subscribing etc.

As for editing of the text, this is what you need to do.

For the final option in the last picture shown, you will need to change the text styles in all of the versions.
You can type your own size in the text box to go lower than the slider on the settings.

Currently it is showing Regular, however if you click on that text it will then give you a list of different options to choose from and you will need to change your text styles to suit those options too.

As shown in this page here.

However, once again as you are using Wix Forms which is nothing to do with Wix Corvid, then you should have been able to have had your questions answered through Wix Support themselves without them having to send you to this forum is only for code related issues on your page and not questions about Wix Forms app etc.

Can’t thank you enough for your detailed replies. The screenshot I posted of my issue, is actually made the way you are suggesting. It’s a rich text input field, with a separate Submit button I changed to read “subscribe”, all designed manually. On the web page it all can be formatted normally and looks fine. The issue with the styling is on mobile only, and is controlled by some JS or other code that is just way beyond my capabilities to identify or fix. I really appreciate the time spent trying to understand my limited language here! It may just not be possible to fix this. I am looking for guidance on how to inspect or identify what the problem is and what controls it - probably a variety of factors.


Look at your pic from your original post.

And compare it to my picture where I go through the Wix Editor menu for a pre-made get subscriber form to show you.

You notice the cyan keyline around both the forms with the Get Subscribers Form tab heading with #form1 at the end of each too.

They are both still using the Wix Forms app and, as I keep telling you, your form is not a form that you have made up yourself originally.

All you have done is to add custom fields to the Wix Form itself, so you are still limited to whatever settings that Wix Forms give you.

Also, if this was a custom user input form that you made up yourself, then it would require a dataset on your page to save the user inputs too.

Whereas, with your Wix Forms Get Subscriber form, you would find your user inputs saved into a Submissions Table and not a dataset that you have created yourself.

To create your own custom user input form…


Simply add a box from the menu and add user inputs and then simply drag those user inputs into the box so that they are attached to it.

Watch this Wix youtube video about creating a form with user inputs and you will see how easy it is to do yourself.

Plus, note that there is not a cyan keyline around the form on this video, which indicates that it is not through Wix Forms!

Also, one final question, why are you needing to use a rich text box on a form as it shouldn’t be needed.

You can simply just change the text style and size to suit your own website of the text boxes that you have used yourself and for the user inputs that you have added too.

Plus, if the required font is not available, then you can simply download and add that font to Wix yourself.

Thanks again. I understand everything you’re suggesting. I actually went back in and remade the form with the procedure outlined in the video you attached, but have the same issue. the text in the input field sticks at 12pts, no matter the font used. For whatever reason, that element just can’t be adjusted to be smaller (LIVE, that is - you can adjust it down to 6pts in the editor until you’re blue in the face, but live, it won’t change). Still hoping maybe there’s a way to hone in on what code is controlling/capping that size, and fix it.

Firstly apologies as I think I have gone a bit over the top with this forum post!

Anyways, I have gone back into Wix Editor myself to check this and yes, whereas you can change the text down to 6pt on the desktop editor, when you come to change it on the mobile version, even though you can click the button down to 6pt and it greys out, the actual visual size of the text won’t go beyond a set size.

I think this isn’t a bug within Wix, I think it done for a reason as all the editing of the text is done through the Desktop Editor and then Wix optimise it for the Mobile Editor.

You can change a few text settings on it like the size, however I think it is done intentionally so that you can’t make it too small for practicality.

The recommended text size for reading easily is 9-10pt with a leading of 12-14pt (leading is the gap between lines which Wix class as line spacing.)

Anything under 7pt in text size is too small in reality and you have to think that you need your website to be viewable by everybody and not just people with perfect eyesight who can read the fine smallprint.

You shouldn’t need to go too small with the text size on your mobile phone, remembering that everybody’s phones screen size are different, so if you make it small to begin with, then some phones display will make it even smaller when it is shrunk to fit their own screen display.

If you setup the word Email in your user input as the placeholder text, then it will disappear when the user clicks on the box to type in their email anyway.

Plus, note that emails are all different sizes anyway too, so don’t try to find a font size that you think would accommodate the most sizes of email addresses and be able to for it all to be shown in the user input at one time without having to scroll across.

Again, apologies if this got a bit long winded!

Just a thought too, as we know that ‘we can’t shrink mobile text size past a certain size on mobile’ isn’t actually a Wix Corvid issue, it can’t be changed through any code.

Therefore I would go back to Wix Support and put a ticket in and ask them to clarify that the minimum size of text allowed on mobile is put at a set limit regardless of it you try taking it down to the 6 as stated it can be.

I can understand that you would expect the text to be able to be shrunk to the smallest on both desktop and mobile, however I can guess that the settings are more related to the desktop and that they do indeed have a set limit for mobile minimum size.

Thanks again for checking! I agree, it doesn’t seem like a bug, and Wix did confirm it’s not possible to change through the editor, and suggested I come here for additional coding help. Someone suggested I change the font-size property of the style attribute but a) as you have said, I don’t think that controls this and b) I don’t think you even can change things like that on Wix because they don’t let you have access to the code.

Trouble is, my brand fonts are all basically blind-friendly giant cartoon fonts in the minimum size on mobile (12pts) and it’s really inhibiting my design capabilities - I need it to be more like 9pt.

I don’t think I realized until our forum convo that you can change Wix code like you can change Sqs or Shopify code.

Anyway your time is much appreciated! Thank you!