How to adjust text box/change text line on mobile mode?

Hi everyone, I completely don’t know to code but I still try to come here to ask some help to make my mobile website looks better :slight_smile:

This is my text box now:

Question: I want to

  1. make my text in the #text1 breaks into paragraph, not all together, like :
    Limited Cuisine:
    We do the best beef rolls in the world!
    Don’t hesitate and pay a visit!

2. Only display this on mobile, not PC version

How can I do?? Is there any way I can change?
(because in mobile version I can’t edit text, only change its size which is very frustrating…)

Thank you in advanced if anyone reply this silly question!


  1. Check out this article on formatting:

Otherwise you can use a rich text field .
Just connect your text to a rich text field and design the text however you want.

  1. You can easily display elements only on mobile:
    Also check out this article: