Editor X for Newbie & Menus?


I’ve been using Wix Editor for 4 years and I’m trying to transfer over to Editor X now.

The problem I’m having is that it’s a completely different concept to the former and although I’m watching videos, reading up on tutorials and trialling in the Editor itself I’m having problems scaling everything. I’m sure it will become clear the more I use it.

To be honest the only reason why I’m looking to move over to Editor X is simply for the menu options.

I have a site currently built in Wix Editor but there’s a Members Area and I need to have a separate menu with drop downs which Editor X appears to offer.

It’s a shame the standard Wix Editor cannot offer this feature as I find it much easier to use?

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Hi @lancehuggins ,

I’m Carmel from the Editor X team,

In the regular Wix Editor, it is possible to create two separate menus on your site. When you are editing your menu, click ‘Manage Menu’ and then choose ‘Custom Menu’

This will allow you to choose specific items to show on this menu element without changing other menus.

I hope this helps! If not, feel free to reach out.
