Hi! I have a Dynamic Page with a repeater #listRepeater connected with dataset #DynamicDataset
When the repeater displays a list of the dataset 3 records into conteiner #conteiner1 i want to collapse the text elements if the record fields are empty!!!
I want to check dataset field MemberPhone conected with element #text6 at the conteiner
It could be me, but I have this nagging feeling something is missing in your post, like a question.
"_id": "1",
"firstName": "Jane",
"memberPhone": "0122345772634xxx"
"_id": "2",
"firstName": "Josh",
"memberPhone": "01533452326xxx"
$w('#myRepeaterIDhere').data = EXAMPLE_REPEATER_DATA;
$w('#myRepeaterIDhere').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index)=>{
if(itemData.memberPhone) {$item('#text6').expand();}
else {$item('#text6').collapse();}
let item = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
else {$w("#text6").collapse();}
Hi!! Thanks for your help
I think that works when you have to dispaly 1 record. I have a repaeter that list a few records and i want that check for each record.
As i understand onready is working after all records has been dispalyed so the ite, values are undefined !!!
How can i check the item.value for each record and then expand or collapse the ellement ???
I just tried to understand what is connected to what in your setup1?
- How much datasets are involved?
- How much repeaters involved?
- You say your REPEATER is on the DYNAMIC page.
- The dynamic page itself is already connected with dynamic-dataset, right?
- So REPEATER is connected with another dataset → “dataset3”.
- Screenshot of your setup ?
Please elaborate more about your project and database-structure.
@russian-dima I have 1 Dynamic Page connected with 1 dataset #dynamicDataset and 1 repeater connected with the same dataset.
The dataset has 3 records (for test) so the repeater display 3 items as well.
Until now using the code below i can check if there are empty elements in each of the repeater items.
let say that i want to check elements ( description, text6, text7)
$w ( ‘#listRepeater’ ). forEachItem (( $item , itemData , index ) => {
if ( $item ( “#description” ). text) { $w ( “#description” ). expand ();
else { $w ( “#description” ). collapse ();
if ( $item ( “#text6” ). text) { $w ( “#text6” ). expand ();
else { $w ( “#text6” ). collapse ();
if ( $item ( “#text7” ). text) { $w ( “#text7” ). expand ();
else { $w ( “#text7” ). collapse ();
My problem now is that because all elements (description, text6, text7) has the same name_id in all the repeater items, if one element (description) is not empty at the items 1 and 2 but is empty at 3 that collapse (description) in all items on the repeater !!!
I know that each repeater item has an ID starting for 0. I wonder if i can handle and collapse/expand element (description) sepereted for each item ID and not for all (description) in the repeater with the same name???
Almost forgot about you and your post , just found it again, right now.
Do some testings:
Copy&Paste this code onto your page, where your repeater is located on.
Deactivate all your other code on the page.
Run the code (in preview-, or published mode, doesn’t matter) and make a screenshot of the shown RESULTS (do not forget to pen the 3x-dots —> … <— to get mor details.
$w.onReady(()=>{console.log("Page is ready!")
$w('#listRepeater').data = EXAMPLE_REPEATER_DATA;
$w('#listRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index)=>{
console.log("Item-Data: " + itemData + " / Index: " + index);
console.log("Title: ", itemData.title);
console.log("Description: ", description);
console.log("Phone: ", itemData.memberPhone)
if(itemData.memberPhone) {$item('#text6').expand();}
else {$item('#text6').collapse();}