Repeater button collapse if empty dataset entry

Hello Corvid community,

I am new to programming, so this question might seem a bit silly, but it’s several days that I am trying to fix this:

I have a repeater used to present a group of members. Each member in the description has two button that links to their social media of choice. I’ve made a dataset entry for the links, leaving blank the slots in case there isn’t any link to connect to. I would want to collapse the buttons in case the slots are empty.

My solution so far is this, adapted from in another thread of the forum:

$w("#membersRepeater").onItemReady(($w, itemData, index) =>{ 
        if (!itemData.twitter) { 
 $w("#membersRepeater").onItemReady(($w, itemData, index) =>{ 
        if (!itemData.linkedin) { 

At the end, I’ve also received an error about the function onReady:

Please, I would really need your help :sweat_smile:I don’t know where to knock my head anymore, I’ve really tried all the solutions I could find to make it work.


Done and done.

Thx again Heath