Enable Accessibility to let users tab through input elements

If you use input elements in your site, you probably want to let your users use the Tab key to navigate through them in a logical order.

To enable tab navigation you need to enable Accessibility Components for your site.

Once enabled, users will be able to tab through your input fields in the proper order. You can also enable Visual Indicators that indicate where the user is as they navigate.


How can we set the order, so when user hit [Tab] the cursor goes in a specific order, for example in a form.

I got a form, and when it [Tab] cursor jump with aparently no order defined.

I have noticed on certain computers this behavior by default results in a trouble when enabled:

Using down button to scroll down no longer works. Instead it actually tabs between different buttons and elements at times. This is especially annoying behavior on e-commerce product pages.

Do not quote me on it, but I think it has something to do with this.

Hey JC,

See this thread where the issue is discussed: https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/questions-answers/tab-to-next-field-in-user-inputs

Here’s Sam’s solution from the thread, which seems to work, but look at the thread because it seems some people needed to tweak it a bit: “You can set the order by right-clicking and selecting Arrange > Bring to Front in the order you want users to tab through your form.”


Thanks Jeff (Wix)

 "You can set the order by right-clicking and selecting Arrange > Bring to Front in the order you want users to tab through your form." 

That works perfect and solve my need, now TAB got the right order in Input Form.