Enable Collections to be Read from Products Item

Hey Wix Team!

Could you please let me know when will I be able to access the collections that any product has assigned in my Wix Store? I see the field being available in the Database, however, when retrieving the item from “Stores/Products” there is no “collections” property.

Needing this asap, please.

Have seen the Wix Stores with Corvid section that shows the three Wix Stores collections that get added automatically when you use the Wix Stores app.

Make sure that you are querying it as stated in the collection info and also note that it is a reference type field too.

About reference fields.


Collections (collections)

Description : The collections the product belongs to.
Type : Reference (Multiple Items)
Can connect to data : No
Can use in dynamic page URL : No
Can be sorted : No
Can be filtered : hasSome
Read-only : Yes

Hey @givemeawhisky thanks for your answer. It did work with the query.include(). I was using a dataset and couldn’t get it to work though.

In any case, thanks!