Error implementing sendGridEmail backend

Trying to implement sendGridEmail backend code, but can’t add sendGrid DNS domain records because Wix has already defined them for their email usage.

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
Per Wix developer’s sendGridEmail instructions and instructions on the SendGrid website, I need to add 3 CNAME and 1 TXT records to my Wix DNS. Since Wix has already defined an s1._domainkey, s2._domainkey, and _dmarc records it won’t let me add these records for sendGrid because these keys can only be defined once (no duplicates)??

What have you already tried:
Tried adding the above records per sendGrid website instructions. When I run the test code it returns “Error sending the email: FORBIDDEN”

Additional information:
I created my account on Send Grid, created the API key, installed it in Wix Secrets per Wix instructions, installed the sendGridEmail package, and created the sendEmail.jsw backend code.

are you attempting to add this to a form ?

have you looked over this

Yes, that is where I started. I followed the instructions and copied the code. The “Forbidden” error likely means an authentication problem on the SendGrid side. My email was validated so the only thing I could find was a note to finish account setup I need to Authenticate my Sending Domain. When I click on that it wants me to add the 3 CNAME and 1 TXT records to my DNS setup at Wix - which I can’t do because Wix has already configured them to work with my triggered emails. So, I am at a loss for what the exact problem is. You can look at my installed package and jsw file and see if there is anything wrong. I have a Test Email page that you can run.