New website client for a drive through haunted house.
I have already set up the event that is repeated daily for up to 5 cars per time slot every 30 minutes between 6-10 for 2 weeks.
After setting this up via the Events app in Wix, I am finding that there isn’t a calendar feature available to showcase the amount of spots available.
Withing the Booking App, this feature is available.
What would be your recommendation on the best way to accommodate both ticket sales and displaying the available tickets left on a calendar?
Preferable I would like to stick with the Events and integrate it with the calendar from bookings.
Hi, Maya from Wix Bookings here
I think that on this usecase you don’t need the Wix Events app at all and can use only the Wix Bookings app.
You can setup a service from type class, with up to 5 participants, repeating every 30 min between 6-10 for 2 weeks. This way you’ll get the benefit of using the timetable we have in bookings.
Let me know if you have anymore questions.