User Event Submissions

Hello All, I’m new to Wix and I am looking for a way to build a site that (1) allows businesses to submit classes and / or events (2) displays these events and (3) allows customers to register for and pay for these events. Is there a certain pre-built app you might recommend or should I be using Wix Code / databases to accomplish this? Thanks so much!

Yep! Try Wix Bookings!

Thanks, Kristine. I took a look at bookings and like it, but it doesn’t appear that a business can submit their own event through the bookings app. I would have to enter each and every event, correct? Is there a way to take submissions via form and have those display in the bookings app?

I’m truly sorry for the delay. Currently, there’s only option to view the events and not creating them using code. This is on our backlog. Therefore, the only option is to create the whole system from scratch. We’re working on a payment API which should be released soon.
