Wix Editor is evolving, combining all the power of the classic Editor and ADI capabilities with new, advanced features.
Join us for a live introduction on Monday, January 10, 2022 and be one of the first to see the new capabilities.
Wix Editor is evolving, combining all the power of the classic Editor and ADI capabilities with new, advanced features.
Join us for a live introduction on Monday, January 10, 2022 and be one of the first to see the new capabilities.
Looking forward to it!
Looking like I may need to switch back to the wix editor from editor x.
I think these upcoming features are great and I am hoping they lay the groundwork for some amazing capabilities but I’m nervous because we keep seeing changes to the editor but certain must have features and updates remain left behind.
These are things like the following:
Tablet View
Automatic switching between Desktop, tablet and mobile
Ability to edit individual dynamic pages without disrupting the main template
Section/Strip shape dividers
Updates to apps like Wix Stores, Wix Hotels, etc. with much-needed options and functionality to compete with other tools outside of Wix. Ideally, the apps should be broken out of the basic iframes with templates and built as standalone elements or provide a way to build your own page templates using dynamic pages and datasets. (this is not currently possible because not all of the functionality is able to be remade)
This is just a short list and I know I am missing other important items but constantly adding new features like being able to have predefined/made section styles are not enterprise-level features. These are ground-level features that don’t matter to larger organizations.
I love Wix and I will keep using it but there is a reason why we develop on Shopify and WordPress as well.
It looks great and makes more sense the way it works. I did notice the mobile did not seem as smooth as they said it was but I understand still some fine tuning needed. When is it starting to roll out?
These updates sound great and now we are all eager to see them…but when can we expect the roll out? Are we talking weeks? Months? Will it be a staggered roll out or will my clients get it at the same time as me? You mentioned that old sites will be manually ported - so will we have to start work on a new template to see the new features? Some rough guidance would be greatly appreciated.
This editor has already been in place for some time with the partners, it’s a graphic makeover that looks more and more like the X editor so I imagine pushing us towards the latter. In my opinion, this does not add much, my customers are now overwhelmed by the number of possibilities in the editor and outside the editor (many, see too many possibilities are present and some today get lost) I would have really liked Wix to put resources into APIs and the creation of gateways between their CRM and other applications because without a rich ecosystem in the end, we don’t do much. The most beautiful of editors without the possibility of being connected to other apps has no place in my opinion in 2022
Wix Editor is certainly evolving and new features are really great. Thanks for raising the industry standards!
Hey @cstevens . Thanks for your feedback, it means a lot.
The focus of this effort was about making the editing experience smoother, while laying the foundation for some awesome much-needed capabilities ahead.
I can say that some of the things you mentioned are already in the works. For example, more advanced capabilities like shape dividers. I hope we can share more on that soon.
Meanwhile, I understand you don’t see predefined sections as the best fit for your needs. Do you have other section capabilities in mind you can share with me?
Hey @shane , thanks for writing! If you’re referring to the boundary box issue we had while moving to Mobile View in the live preview - we saw it too. As this was not the fully baked version yet, we are still working on some bug fixing.
Hey @lucydownphotography . We’re working to make sure the rollout will be as smooth as possible. This means that when this will be rolled out to you - you won’t have to actively do anything to move into the new experience. Once available to you, you’ll get this experience in the Editor once you open it. A short intro will show you around and you’ll be ready to start! No manual steps required.
Hey @bestofdenis . Thanks for sharing this. I hear you have customers that are overwhelmed by the number of possibilities when building a site with Wix. Can you elaborate more on that? …and how do you see APIs as a solution?
Frankly, we have been expecting a new feature from you for a long time. The ability to add delivery dates to orders, which is now an indispensable feature of today.
We have a small business that sells flowers. We would like flowers to be delivered on the day of our customer’s choosing. It should be a mandatory field within the shopping cart and, of course, has to be filled out before going to checkout.
On the checkout screen, we want it to show the chosen date again for feedback purposes so my client knows she picked the right date. In the order data on the Wix dashboard of our site, it should show the chosen delivery date obviously.
In this context, there is still no development in this regard. I was managing 3 sites. The seller asked me to move a site to the operator. I love Wix but I guess I have to move the site to another carrier.
@rosanigrumist Thanks for sharing this, forwarded to the relevant teams at Wix (Wix Stores).
@aviyas Thank you. We are eagerly awaiting the outcome of the improvement regarding the delivery date.
@aviyas Are you a Wix Partner or are you on the Wix team? Your badge says partner so just want to clarify. I do know about the shape dividers being created, I had several meetings with that team actually.
In regards to sections/classic builder, honestly, I don’t see classic lasting much longer if the site overall is not responsive. Again we do not have a tablet view and there is no automatic switching between views. I highly doubt we will ever see full responsiveness as we have with Editor X but at minimum, if they switched views after changing browser size, that would be a huge improvement. Also being able to set the max-width of a section/entire site would be great. If someone zooms out or has a huge monitor, we don’t want our visitors looking at incredibly small text or stretched-out images. Most modern sites stop stretching out at 2560px. Look at apple as an example.
The other serious issue is with Wix Apps. The apps are incredibly limited by default and are missing much-needed features to compete with other e-commerce, booking, and LMS platforms. I actually like to compare Wix to Apple because you both are similar in terms of being a walled garden. While there is a benefit to this, there are negatives as well. Your app marketplace is pretty empty/filled with half-baked apps because developers just can’t do as much as they can on a platform like WordPress or Shopify and site developers have no access to the CSS or HTML of a site.
When you combine both problems of the editor not being responsive enough with apps that can’t be edited or have limited design and feature functionality it’s the perfect storm to keep larger organizations away. Wix has a huge battle to face when it comes to public opinion. If you ask any e-commerce developer, the general consensus is to avoid Wix and use WooCommerce or Shopify. While I don’t believe this is always the case, the fact is you don’t see any major online store using Wix and it’s not that they are completely custom developing their site, they are just using other platforms with more features and control.
ya its sad to see features I’ve been clamoring for and need in Editor X coming to the OG editor. Really hope it means that these features are coming quickly to Editor X as well…but it’s development seems slow. Editor X needs more resources thrown at its development.
@cstevens agree! Editor X is the future of the platform. If they’re truly going to try to market Editor X towards designers and agencies as a “no-code” software then it needs to be just as robust as competitors. I think it could be, but it’s got a long way to go right now. Right now it’s not robust enough. They should be throwing all their resources at Editor X.
I like Wix as a platform but if I don’t see more development progress on Editor X this year I might have to start looking to competitors like Webflow.
I keep seeing features coming to the original Wix editor that should be in Editor X. It’s quite frustrating.
Not to say that you guys aren’t doing good work. I just think they hyped/marketed Editor X a little too early.
Are any of these developments coming to Editor X?
Gradients? A better theme manager/way to make global changes to things? I’m looking at Webflow and the way they allow you to set CSS classes so that you can make global changes to elements.
Making any kind of global changes to my site is such a headache right now. We can’t set variable text or spacing globally on the text styles?
Just a few of the current headaches I’m running into.
Yea man it’s been super frustrating for me. I like editor x, I’ve gotten used to it, but I’m still waiting for features from the basic editor to come to editor x and seeing new features make it to the basic editor is even more frustrating especially since editor x is supposed to be the more advance editor and we’re spending more money for it.
Any updates before release?