EditorX? Wix Studio? Etc? What's happening?

Hey guys, with the latest release of Wix Studio, I have become a bit confused / frustrated with the Wix products and features (and don’t seem the be the only one).

I guess it’s good to ask the questions here, to have visibility for all. Hopefully someone on the team will be able to clarify some things.

  1. I thoroughly compared EditorX and Wix Studio, it seems that Wix Studio is the same as EditorX, but with a added features that had been long overdue on EditorX (such as custom CSS and more triggers (e.g. scroll triggers)). It’s great because no learning curve, but Why an entire new product with no immediate migration option?

  2. For some of us, we are working with deadlines. Currently there is mention of a migration of EditorX sites to WixStudio, but can we get a bit more details on around when to expect to migrate? It might impact timings, especially when we are spending time on coding features that can be done faster in Wix Studio.

  3. What should we expect in the meanwhile for EditorX? Does the release of Wix Studio mean that there won’t be any feature updates on EditorX anymore? That would make sense if the plan is to migrate and to abort EditorX, but that would also mean that EditorX users will be in an unfortunate situation with no updates until some time.

  4. In regards to question 3. Has the Wix team considered to drop in a few Wix Studio features into EditorX for the time being to let existing customers with already build websites enjoy the features too? (especially some new triggers such as scroll triggers!)

Would love to hear from you guys! Thanks


Hey @vineshgayadin :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Wix Studio was developed specifically for busy agency life. It offers advanced design features, like AI responsiveness and proportional scaling putting it in a league of its own compared to Editor X.

Some of the new features include:

  • Smart tools that take care of responsiveness and layout.
  • A new editing mode so you can prioritize design efficiency.
  • A revamped stack and grid experience to create intricate layouts intuitively.
  • Custom CSS to create styles, animations and responsive behaviors to your exact specs
  • An expanded range of no-code design capabilities, from interactions to brand new components like mega menu and slideshows.
  • Custom React components can be added to any site.
  1. The migration will happen gradually and is going to be seamless. Meaning, once an Editor X site will be migrated to Studio, all data will be saved - including code.

  2. Eventually, Editor X will transition into Wix Studio. When this happens, we’ll give you the ability to migrate your existing Editor X sites to Wix Studio. Until then, you can continue to create with Wix Studio and Editor X.

  3. We are constantly working on further strengthening and improving the products we offer. Wix Studio is in a class of it’s own and offers a variety of features not available on Editor X.
    That said, we always appreciate feedback, so if you see any issues please let us know and we will be happy to help.


I built websites with Studio, it seems more responsive and smarter in linked-up features. Unfortunately, paid plan from Editor could not be transfer to Studio without paying more for discrepancy of the pricing plan amongst the two.
New pricing plan of Studio seems easy to pick up than previous one, but higher charge :slight_smile: understandable.

Thank you for the thorough answers @Romi_Percik!
If possible, I would definitely appreciate a little bit more clarity around "2 - The migration will happen gradually and is going to be seamless. "

That seems like a migration plan is in place. Is there any kind of indication of timing / feature roll out plan you can share? Being aware of this information as an EditorX user is huge, as it can make a difference in current project planning and making costs in hiring a developer to solve for things that Studio might do (e.g. scroll triggers, my number one essential missing feature).

If you are able to share any indicators / details regarding EditorX migration / updates, that would be super appreciated!

Hey @vineshgayadin :wave:t2:

At the moment, sites created with Editor X cannot be migrated into the Wix Studio editor.

However, eventually, Editor X and Wix Studio will merge together. Once the official timeline is in place, we will communicate with all Editor X users and give them plenty of notice before hand.

When the seamless merge occurs, your sites, designs and codes will be transitioned unaffected. As of now, the forecast for this transition is not declared.

Also, you can check out the Wix Studio roadmap for requested and launched features >> Product Roadmap

I hope this helped to clarify the matter! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I am looking into making my website 3D interactive with Spline. Would I be able to do that in the regular wix editor or would I need wix studio?

Hi everyone! Here’s an update from Discord regarding the migration from Editor X to Wix Studio:

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