Exhausted the limit of collaborators

Hello, I’ve reached the limit for collaborators and currently have over 20. I’m looking to increase this number. Is there a plan available that I can upgrade to for more collaborators?

What are you trying to achieve:
Increase the number of collaborators.

What have you already tried:
I currently have the business plan, and since I want to increase the number of collaborators, I was considering upgrading to the elite plan. However, it mentions 15 collaborators. Does this mean 15 additional collaborators or a total of 15?

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Hello. We have the elite plan and our total cap is fifteen.

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It’s a total of 15 collaborators.

There is the option of reaching out to enterprise and seeing if there’s an option to increase collaborators for an additional fee - but their team would be best suited to provide more insights :slight_smile:

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