Hello, I’m trying to make something very simple.
I put a pro gallery in a popup.
I would like that when the popup is loaded, the gallery enters in full screen expanded mode on the first item.
here’s my code :
//popup page
$w . onReady ( function () {
$w ( “#mygallery” ). expand ();
what happens :
i’m confused 
Your GALLARIES-ID is - - → “myGallery” are you sure?
Or maybe your galleries ID is for example - - > “gallery1” ???
I put a pro gallery in a popup.
I would like that when the popup is loaded
And what the hell is a - - > " pop-up " ? a new wix-element i don’t know about?
pop-up = box / container?
pop-up = columnstrip ?
pop-up = some other of the provided wix-elements?
Hello velo-ninja, thank you very much for your answer.
1/ I wrote “#mygallery” to make it generic like it is in the doc but in my project it’s #gallery1
I did not type the wrong #id in my code but #gallery1
2/ I use Wix in french, i don’t know the wix english translation for “Fenêtre Pop-up”… maybe… pop-up window? So here’s a capture :
Thank you for your help
Ok, a premier → utilize pas → FRANCAIS ← , essayez d’utiliser l’anglais.
Pet-etre, c’est le temps pour apprendre anglais 
A PROGRAMMER always codes and works in ENGLISH .
Ton → "Fenetre-Pop-Up est = LIGHTBOX. Maintenant je comprendre qu’est-ce-que tu veux savoir.
$w.onReady(function () {
When your LIGHTBOX opens, the LIGHBOX-CODE should start automaticaly.
Of course you need a code to open LIGHBOX (fenetre pop-up).
Also pay attention onto the correct used ID of your elements.
hello velo-ninja,
thank you very very much for your answer
it’s very kind to try to help me
As you can notice i wrote this whole conversation in english since the begining.
The project i’m working on is set in french and i though that popup was also translated “popup” in the english version. so i’m sorry, well i meant LIGHTBOX 
I tried to add :
$w("# gallery1 ").show(“fade”);
to the code to get what you suggest but it changes nothing 
I emptied the browser cache and tried different browsers (firefox, chrome, edge).
Maybe i have misunderstood the states (collapsed - expanded) of a gallery ?
My guess is, this is “collapsed” :

here, “expanded” = the result of clicking on the main item:
and this is full screen, that is not a “velo accessible” state i think :
Maybe I need to create a sort of callback function on the lightbox opened event at the root page to trigger the click event?
Thank you a lot in advance for you help !
Here you will find all informations about the possibilities of a gallary.
Further pay attention, that not every gallery provides the same functions.
Out of my experience "Pro-Gallaries are not very flexible and do not really provide options for customization or interactions.
The question is: Is a REPEATER maybe even the better GALLERY?
Just an idea of doing out of a repeater a gallery, when combining repeater and wix-animations? Would this work?
Ok thank you very much !
Repeater + wix-animation would be a lot of work
it’s frutstrating when i know the pro gallery graphically exactly does what i want out of the box and is supposed to expand with the function expand()
I did not choose wix to have a lot of work 
I can confirm this must be a bug / limitation because :
$w . onReady ( function () {
console . log ( $w ( “#gallery1” ). collapsed );
$w ( “#gallery1” ). collapse ();
console . log ( $w ( “#gallery1” ). collapsed );
$w ( “#gallery1” ). expand ();
console . log ( $w ( “#gallery1” ). collapsed );
returns :
and i expected / it should be :
- finally fire the nice expanded view !
thank you for time and your help
i stop searching for a solution
Most out of the box provided solutions are nice, but do not really support customization-options. So in about 80% of all situations, you will have to go your own custom way, if you want more then the provided features and functions by wix.
You have still the possibility to use a CUSTOM-ELEMENT to create your own working GALLERY or do it within an HTML-COMPONENT.
And like already mentioned, doing it out of a combination between repeater and wix-animations (but never tried it, just an idea).
You wants to build a nice and individual looking and working site, in most cases you will have to do your own creations in wix using code.
The more invested time = the better the site.
Thank you very much for your support 
To be honest with you, i finally went on searching and made it really dirty with custom code by triggering clicking on the gallery when the dom has changed :
i will just try to improve it with detecting the lightbox ready instead of the ugly settimeout method
In a sense, i’m happy to see that wix is so flexible to accept such a “thing”
no comment please