Feature Reqeust: make wix video searchable

I find myself always using Vimeo if I need anything video related that is a little more advanced then just showing off some videos on a page. I would really like for there to be a way to link Wix videos to repeaters and make them searchable etc. I also think it would be amazing if you could upload videos from the front end of the website (like blogs).

It feels like Wix video hasn’t really developed much after it was released. I think the pricing is very competetive and would love to be able to use it in more advanced projects.


Thank you for your feedback Joris. We will forward it to our team!

I miss the development of Wix Video too… It’s a great tool, but unfortuanely there is no improvement or bug fixing since months… are there still developers of Wix video or are they all gone?