Feature Request: Fade/Gradient Overlay Option for Sections & Strips

Something similar has been requested, but I wanted to elaborate a little more on this requested feature…

I’d love to see some gradient/fade overlay options for sections. Something similar to section dividers, where you can choose to have the overlay come from the top, bottom, left or right of the section, select the depth of how far you want that overlay to extend, change the color, the ability to change the opacity of the overlay, etc. I know they have something similar for buttons, but this feature would be a total game changer for sections and strips.

#wixfeaturerequest #wixfeaturesrequest #featurerequest #gradientoverlay #sectionoverlay #stripsoverlay



Thanks for the feedback and feature request.

If I’ve understood correctly, I’ve attached a short video that should provide some inspiration on how to achieve this/a similar ability.

Let me know if this is what you’re looking for :slight_smile:


this page does not exist and I need this feature too please

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2 options are available in Studio.

  1. You can add this to your CSS (make it a custom class if required) and adjust your container and colours to suit
.box {
   background: linear-gradient(360deg, #000000 0%, rgba(243,248,240,0) 100%)
  1. You can also add a gradient color to a section background and adjust it so one color is 0%

thank you, but I need also to apply fade to the content of the section, not only the background

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Do you have any examples ? Would like to see if I could replicate

thanks for the tip, Dan!

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I’m not sure who you would be able to apply a gradient on top of all your content and not kind of ruin your site. The gradient would have to be an above level that would block all of your buttons and text from being clickable. I suppose if you put it in the background and lowered the opacity of all of your content above it, that might work. But the biggest thing Wix needs to do is put the gradient tool into containers. Not sure what’s taking so long on that, they’ve got the tool.

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@Todd_McKernan the code above will add a gradient to a container. A work around for now.
You can then add buttons/elements to the container if needed

Yes! My thought behind what I’m looking for, if I can articulate this better, haha, is the ability to add not a gradient that overlays the entire image necessarily, but that you could use on let’s say the sides of a strip where you might wanna put some text over a photo to help it be seen a bit better!