Only can give gradient color as background on section. When we will able to do gradient color as a background color on a container or cell card or any small part?

Only can give gradient color as background on section. When we will able to do gradient color as a background color on a container or cell card or any small part?

Wix Studio Editor

Use can custom CSS to add a gradient to a container

2 options are available in Studio.

  1. You can add this to your CSS (make it a custom class if required) and adjust your container and colours to suit
.box {
   background: linear-gradient(360deg, #000000 0%, rgba(243,248,240,0) 100%)
  1. You can also add a gradient color to a section background and adjust it so one color is 0%

Hello @Masum_Billah,

As of now, the Wix Studio Editor allows you to add gradient backgrounds to certain elements like strips, columns, slideshows, repeaters, mobile menus, and lightboxes. However, it seems that the feature to apply gradient backgrounds to smaller elements such as container boxes or cell cards is not yet available.

There is a discussion in the Wix Studio Community forum where users have expressed a desire for this feature, and it appears to be a requested item on their wishlist. The current workaround suggested by users is to create a gradient in another program and apply it to the container as an image, although this is not ideal.

For the latest updates on this feature, you might want to keep an eye on the official Wix support page or the Wix Studio Community forum. If this feature becomes available, it will likely be announced there.

Best Regards,

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Where can i set the class name?

Click on the global.css tab and you can set custom classes there

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Thanks Sir. I got it. How to write a specific class name for an element?

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It is working on all the box. How can I do only on one box?

The link I posted above should help you

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