We have regularly recurring events; such as Career Club every Monday night, 7:30-8:30 unless otherwise cancelled (rarely). Is it possible to designate an event as recurring, and have the email notification go out at a regularly scheduled time (e.g. 4 days before the event) with the current date/time of the event to those contacts matching the filter selected at that time?
I would also like to update the event with minor details (e.g. specific topic being discussed this week is…) that the RSVP link would link back to.
Use Case: As an Event planner, I need to designate a meeting as either a single event, or as recurring events from a certain date/time until a date/time with a recurring frequency (day of week, every x days, etc. like Outlook meetings). If i schedule an email campaign for the meeting, the email campaign will go out recurring in advance of the next meeting using the same suggested delta (e.g. 4 days before). I can specify how many events in advance the events page will list these upcoming meetings.
I know I can duplicate, edit date, then email campaign… but that process is a pain and basically needless waste of time for me every week… Thanks!
Hey Roger!
This is a pretty popular request for #WixEvents! Thank you for sharing your interest - the team is aware and is working on something you may like
I would love to have this feature too!
This feature would also be very helpful for several of my clients. Is there a place to vote on it?
As a matter of fact …
Any news about this request? In a round table in December 2019 they told us that in 2020 recurring events will be available in Wix Events.
I know 2020 wasn’t the year we all expected to be, so I understand that the roadmap for Wix Events 2020 is a bit delayed. But I’m curious about the status of this highly desired feature.
Hey Michiel, I’ll check in with the team and get back to you when I get a response.
Update: The team is currently working on this feature! Will update you all again when it’s closer to being released.