Feature request: Wix blog - add "code" inline tag in the post text formatting

I want to request a feature that in my opinion is really great for all programming code-related tutorials.

Currently, it is possible to embed code block inside a blog post, but there is no option to format inline text to look like code. An inline text formatting only includes font color and font style. I want to request a feature that includes adding a button in the Wix blog text formatting panel, that will transform the selected text into the “code” inline tag.

Example from Google’s site ( https://developers.google.com/web/ilt/pwa/working-with-promises ), using the text “code” inline tag:

The text has a grey background and a different font family. This is the “code” HTML tag which looks like a piece of code.

I think that this feature is quite a small one, but it would transform any programming blog to look much more professional. Many programming blogs on the web have this feature enabled and it is really great when comes to readability. I also run this kind of blog and I want to encourage my friends and clients to run their programming blog on Wix also.

#featurerequest #blog #wixblog


Great suggestion; I see some people use quotes for their code. You can see some examples how Shan did it here: https://community.wix.com/partners/post/tech-talk-wix-corvid-api-walk-through

Actually this is possible - second from the right is “code snippit”.

Looks like this :)

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I can see that I can use quotes or bold the text and maybe make the text gray color, but it is still not the perfect solution for this case.

I know that I can paste code snippet, but it renders as a block element, which is great but for larger parts of the code example.

If you know what I mean, I want to request a similar feature as the actual “code snippet” feature, which will working also as an inline text element.

PS. I do not know the Wix Developers platform much, but I even wanted to make a new app, that will add CKEditor to Wix blog post text formatting, but I found that it is impossible, because I do not have privileges to manage the Wix blog app.

Hey Oskar! You may be able to make some modifications using Corvid. Here is the API reference for blog (and all other available elements as well).

This really needs to be a support feature out of the box. If I can’t find a reasonable way to do this, I can’t use Wix.