Is possible to add a database with different items with number of likes?
I’ll explain better: I have different items and i want some feedback by my users, like “likes” on facebook. Maybe it can be done by adding a button on my item page, and when a user clicks on it a signal is launched to my database, and increase the number of likes for that item by 1.
I tried to create a new database where people info can be written, with a column set to “number”, but i don’t know how to set a button for each product from the “products” database in my dynamic pages. I think that i need a code to combine this things, something like “let likes=n, n=0, when people clicks the like button set the n=n+1”
Wouldn´t it just be enough to add a field to your product collection called “Numner of likes” and increment that number when someone clicks “Like”’
Yeah for sure Giri, but to add that field is easy, just put a text on the dynamic page and connect it to the like’s column of the database
So i’m not sure i got, what is the problem here? You for sure can create a button on dyn page, set up a onClick event handler and:
- get current item from dyn page dataset
- Get number of likes which is field in collection
- Increment it by 1
- Save back with same id (of the found item)
This is achieveable with module…
Yeah I’m trying to do that This is what i got:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
function get(collectinName: Products, itemId: \my item id);
function get(collectinName: Products, likes);
export function LikeButton_click(event, $w) {
Now, that is surely wrong haha. Can someone help me, please? Thanks!
Assuming the following:
- Your dataset id is “dynamicDataset”.
- You have added column to the collection with type Number and name “likes”.
- You have added the “LikeButton_click” handler function as you described above.
The following code should achieve your goal:
export function button1_click(event, $w) {
// read the current number of likes from the displayed record
const currentNumberOfLikes = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem().likes || 0;
// increment likes by +1
$w("#dynamicDataset").setFieldValue('likes', currentNumberOfLikes + 1);
// save the updated record to the database
Also, please note that in order for you to be able to keep the new value to the database, you will need to set the dataset to “Read & Write” via the dataset’s settings panel.
Good luck!
Hi good day!
May I insert my self here?
How can I filter my database by owner ID (_owner) and display it into the repeater?
$w.onReady(() => {
.then((results) => {
$w('#repeater1').data = results.items;
.catch((err) => {
The code above is not working probably. I hope someone can help me in this.
Thank you,
Hey Geo,
You’re missing the value which the _owner field should equal to.
should become