Filter Dataset by Owner of "WIX Member Pages" ID - N.B "let user = wixUsers.currentUser;" isn't what I need


I have my WIX Member Pages set up (I do not have a members dataset) This is not a dynamic page I’ve set up.

Members can submit information to a dataset. I’m wanting for the information they have submitted to show on their profile page. (like their posts do on the forum page).

I need to get the owner of the profile’s ID. Then filter my dataset using this. How do I do this?

I can’t use the “let user = wixUsers.currentUser;” because this will show the information of the person logged in, not the owner of the profile’s information

Any ideas? Ideally I need a “let user = wixUsers.pageOwner;” type of thing.

Also, regarding this thread: Velo Tutorial: Building Your Own Members Area | Help Center |, it works if you are using your own button. However, if a client clicks on the forum (create a post), and isn’t logged-in (and it prompts the sign-up screen) the code doesn’t include sign-ups this way. So, these members don’t get added to my Dataset. So this is a no-go for setting up dynamic pages for members. It would be nice if we could just link a dataset to the prompt-login screen.



not sure if this helps but I had a nightmare with the wix guide in your link

I found the below to be more helpful I did away with all of wix profile stuff and created my own just use the member section as a log in then created my own forms and profile page. I got my users to submit their pic to my own dataset rather than wix’s.

Hope it helps