I’m a new Wix user (great product ^^)
I created a database with the various logo, but impossible to “user-defined” filter it
Thanks in advance
I wasn’t able to open the link that you’ve provided.
Please elaborate on what you’re trying to achieve and what you’ve got so far.
Thank you Doron for your reply!
Weird you cannot access the website; it works fine for me.
To give you more details :
- My company has some clients
- I have a page with all my clients logo => I used a gallery object that rely on a simple database with the following fields : name, sector, country, logo
- We have around 100 clients, hence 100 logos
I’m looking for a way (with no code pliz; I did everything using drag and drop !) to add two dropdow list : Sector filter / Country filter
So the user can filter our client references by sector and/or by countries !
Thx a lot for your help
Hi again!
If you insist on a non-coding way, the only solution I can give you is to use a dataset & dataset’s filters.
Here’s an article regarding the topic that should assist you in achieving this goal:
About Connecting Page Elements to Database Content
About Filtering and Sorting Database Content Displayed in Page Elements
In case you want to give coding a try let me know and I’ll be glad to present you with the relevant examples, articles and API’s.
Thank you Doron,
I read this article already but :
- I don’t want to “pre filter” the dataset !
- I would like a drop down list on the site so the user can live-filter the data (by sector - eg assurance, leisure, etc. or by country)
Any idea ? Thx