Filtering and sorting events on the Wix events app

Hi guys, just want some advice on how to sort and filter events on the wix events app. A client has decided they no longer want to use the database as they find it too time consuming and it doesn’t pull through the information in a way that they would like. We’d like to be able to filter and search events in the same way you can on the Wix shop app.

Any ideas?


This is a great question Jordan, not sure if it’s possible, but maybe someone can provide some insight on how to get it done!

Thanks Steven, I’m also wondering whether I could use the Wix stores to display it, the only issue would be directing the product button to the external box office to book events. Hmm…

@jordan hmm :thinking:, have you tried adding a button from the buttons menu, linking it to the eternal box office url and overlapping the product button? It might work!

@stevenjose Yeah, it works but I can’t add individual links for specific pages, the link stays the same across every listing - tad annoying.

@jordan aw man, that was the only idea that crossed my mind. Maybe someone might have another way to get this done, additionally you can try contacting support and see what they suggest! :slight_smile:

@stevenjose hope so. I tried support and they weren’t very helpful. I’m sure there’s a solution, just need to find it. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

@jordan anytime! If I find any other suggestions, I will notify you here! :slight_smile:

@stevenjose Thank you! :slight_smile:

Would love if Events allowed categorizing and better sorting. Extremely cumbersome to manage with many events.

That’s the problem we’re having, Melanie. We have to sort them manually which is a pain and requires manual addition/subtraction to each category list at least once or twice per week. My understanding from the product dev team is that they are working on adding a categories feature. The other issue we’re having is with the ticket sales getting closed too early. They’re also working on a feature for that so we can choose exactly when we want sales to close. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it comes sooner rather than later!!!

Good to know…thanks for this information!