Filtering products in/out of stock

Hi all

I’m a little bit confused - is there functionality in Wix Stores to allow a customer to filter for “in stock” or “out of stock” products? Or does this require additional development?

Seems like such a basic feature?


The short answer is no. I have an issue with this… Hundreds of store items that might go in and out of stock every day and dozens of items that go in and out of stock every hour. So a user has to scroll through pages of “out of stock” items before they see anything that is available to purchase. It’s ridiculous! We have to pay someone to periodically go in, and manually toggle the visibility of every item that is out of stock.

The only way around this (far as I can tell), is to make your own store with a couple repeaters and filter it according to it’s inStock status. Which kinda sucks if you ask me. Using the Wix Stores app is quick and snappy. Repeaters/filters? Not so much.

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Thank you… that is sad to hear, it seems like something that should come as a default feature. Very strange indeed and not the greatest news.

You can do it manually, but you will have to program a lot as @ arthurwdodge said. And according to the documentation we cannot:

Have you seen the eCommerce Forum?
Maybe someone there will be able to help, or you can add the request to the feature wishlist . Good luck.

I was looking for this for my Wix site. How is this even not included…

I have the same problem! I thought filtering the product options would do this but it has nothing to do to wether there is stock available or not. Such a basic and needed feature!

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I too have the same problem… My client is facing me that i can do it in a day with wix :slight_smile:

It’s now 2024 and this very basic feature is still not implemented, seems crazy. Have to manually add and remove items from custom categories called in stock and out of stock. The data points are there as you can see on the inventory page, just needs to be added to the filter

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Let’s get it on the roadmap :muscle: - Product Roadmap

Hi Josh, did you ever find a solution or a more elegant workaround for this? Thank you!