Hey guys; I’m hoping to create a page showcasing my work (movie poster designs) as a grid of say 6x10 images on the page…with a list of those movie poster names on the side. Both, the images and the list should link to each image’s individual project page. I believe datasets and dynamic pages is the key (though, i am open to any solution). I am able to get halfway there; creating an image gallery that is driven by a dataset…and then using dynamic pages for the individual pages (and setting the gallery’s image link to the dynamic page)…but, I do not know how to create a list that links to the individual project pages. I can successfully feed the dataset to a repeater list, but i cannot get the list to link to the individual dynamic project page; I highlight the repeater text within the list item…i then set the link to the dynamic page…but when i publish and click on the list item…it does not link anywhere…
Any help would be very much appreciated…Thank You!