Hi! How do you go about getting the correct dataset item from a selected filtered dynamic gallery item?
$w("#portfolioGallery").onItemClicked( (event, $w) => {
console.log("Gallery: item clicked!");
console.log(" item title = " + event.item.title);
var selectedDatasetObject = null; // What to assign???
wixWindow.openLightbox('PortfolioLightbox', selectedDatasetObject); //
} );
I would like to set a variable “selectedDatasetObject” and pass that to the lightbox.
I also tried commenting out the above code and just added an onItemClicked event shown below. This does not fire at all! What is going on? I double-checked and “portfolioGallery” is the id of the Wix Pro Gallery and “datasetPortfolio” is the id of the dataset I am using.
export function portfolioGallery_itemClicked(event, $w) {
wixWindow.openLightbox('PortfolioLightbox', $w('#datasetPortfolio').getCurrentItem());
Anyone else running into this issue?
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