Hi I create a database for a vote system, i setup only members can write, now i need verify the identity because in my members list appears a lot of fake emails.
So i need relate my database “VOTES” with MEMBERS using the automatic column owner to obtain someting like:
| owner | user | email | vote | rest of database |
| 232-dsd-222 | Jon Doe | wildjoe@gmail.com | chocolate | …
| H232-dd-24 | Jim Doe | jimbo123@gmail.com | pistachio | …
| 232-tfg-234 | J123 thr | fsdfa545@gmail.com | pistachio | …
| tre2s32-1-2 | Marie kim | marie.kim@hot.fr | vanilla | …
| TE52-fg-34 | Dil Do | fake@account.com | pistachio | …