Getting all image URL's in the Media Manager

Okay, first I will say I’m sorry if this is already easy to do in Wix or Corvid. However, from what I searched for online and with my many chats with Wix experts, I was told it cannot be done.

The Problem:

  • You can bulk upload images on Wix

  • You can bulk upload products on Wix (csv)

  • You cannot link them together in bulk. You have to manually link each product to it’s image.
    That is because you don’t have access to your uploaded image url’s as a list. You have to check each image url separately.

The Solution:
It is not pretty and might seem like a lot of work, but for those with hundreds or thousands of products it is the only way.

  1. Add a Gallery(pro/grid) to your website in any page. (you can delete it later)

  2. Add all the images you want to that gallery

  3. Go to developer tools or the view the source on that page. (while in editor)

  4. Search(Ctrl+F) for the following in the code: {“items”:[{“itemId”:

  5. Right-click and copy element to Notepad.

  6. Clean up and Extract info from the code to a table. (saving as csv then some excel work)

Now you have table of image names and url’s that you can use on your product’s csv.

As you can see there are a few steps, however it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes once everything is set up. The end result is that you saved hours of manual work. (Until Wix gives us a better solution)

Looking forward to your replies and corrections

If there is interest I can give more detailed instructions with screenshots and the excel file that does the clean up work.


That’s a neat workaround! But this is not Corvid related so you could probably post this in a general Wix community group on Facebook to get this idea in front of others.

Feel free to post it in my group if you’d like:

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Thanks for your reply.

I’m sorry about posting here. It’s just thats what I found when I searched for wix forums.

So do I remove the post now and how?


No don’t delete as I am sure somebody will want to read it, however just follow Nayeli’s words.

This forum is for all code related issues, otherwise you would need to contact Wix Support, or as Nayeli says, post it up in a Wix group so people can discuss it more there where you will also get better results and feedback etc.

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this is exactly what i have been looking for. Have searched loads of pages and no one had the answer. This sounds like it will work perfectly. I have 500 images.
I have added the new page and the gallery with all the images. how do i now find the code? sorry have tried following the steps but i do not used the developer tool normally. thanks