I’m new in wix Code. I’m just starting.
I’ve searched for many of posts and examples, but I… don’t get it.
What I’d like to do is to get value of specific record placed by DynamicDataset into the repeater’s #text.
Next, I want to use it with if-then to show or hide the #text element in reapeter (this is part what I think I can do by myself).
I really just don’t know how to begin… 
go to the API reference and click on dataset and then on getcurrent item. Then look at the one that has the onReady function sround it. Then you Will get the item and can use if then else to .show() or .hide() on any page element.
Got it! Thank You.
$w.onReady( () => {
$w(“#dynamicDataset”).onReady( () => {
let item = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().Baner;
if (item ===‘’) {
you have to do
if (item.fieldkey === “value”) to check a specific fields value. Or if you want to check if it empty just do if (!item.fieldkey)