Help with checkout options please

I’ve got a site where by selling a physical product, buyers will be forced to create an account in order to access online resources and downloads.

I have created a collection of pages that are accessed by members only and only appear in the menu when a user is logged in.

However, I’m unsure how this works for checking out. I want to be able to force users to create an account at the time of purchase. Also want to disable the option of being able to create an account for anyone who visits the site.

I can’t find a method to do this from the Wix help files. It’s not clear to me if there is a ‘guest checkout’ option that can be disabled.

Will I require some scripting, or a plugin to achieve what I need? Can anyone advise please, thanks?

Hey @stuart63643!

This sounds like it’s going to require a custom build, and need some code. If you’re familiar with code, you might be able to get yourself started with Velo.

If not, I’d recommend hiring someone to help you out with this -