Set up Wix store to send email of product information instead of going through checkout

I want to set up my Wix store so that it doesn’t go through the checkout process. Instead once a person adds all the items and their quantity that they want in the shopping cart, they can click a button that will collect the item type(s) and quantity for each item information and then have the information sent to me in an email.

Additionally I would like to have the shopping cart process only available for use for members only. So they would have to sign up/log in first before they can add things to the the shopping cart.

Is it possible to set this up using Wix code? If it is can someone please show me the steps on to set this up.

Thank you,

There is no logic built into the Wix Stores that enables that out of the box. I guess you will have to intercept the ADD TO CART button with your own and add the items to another Data Collection that you will need to create on your own. In that Data Collection you can have a reference field to the Stores/Products Data Collection and then also the quantity the customer have added stored.

But then, do you really want to add the stuff to the built in Wix Stores Cart when you are not going to check them out using Wix Stores? You can’t check out an order with zero in amount so the best would maybe to create your own lightbox with a repeater inside that lists their added products like the cart but from your own Data Collection.

Read about the add to cart here

Then you will also need to read on how to get the roles of the users so you can check the roles or just check if they are a member of your site. You can read about this here:

If you just want the ADD TO CART button on your custom page to be visible for logged in users and not for visitors you can check the below code:

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';

// Make sure you set the Add To Cart Button to Hidden on Load in the
// properties panel first.

let user = wixUsers.currentUser;

let userId =;           // "r5cme-6fem-485j-djre-4844c49"
let isLoggedIn = user.loggedIn; // true

if (isLoggedIn) {

I hope that this will help you on your journey in Wix and Wix Code.