From the home page, the page choices shown across the top open to connect to other subpages When opening the drop down menu to choose, no text shows at all, only 3 lines and open spaces. On the lower left of the screen I can see the Http address fully shown so I know it will go there, but How to I get the text to show?
Also when going to the subpage, the navigation bar across the top is gone, disabling the ability to continue searching elsewhere on the website
Where do you have the dropdown menu? How are you setting it up? What code are you using?
Please post the URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor.
across the top navigation bar are 2 choices Events and Special Groups. When you choose one, a drop down box appears with nothing shown, however if you move your curser into one of the areas, you will see on the lower left of (my computer screen) the url of the page and you can click and go there. The next problem is once on that page the navigation bar at top is gone, disabling the ability to continue navigatating the website
Thank for your help!
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