I am way over my head. I am by no means a good coder and I have no clue what I am trying to do. I only have like a day to finish this thing and I have tried every tutorial to get this to work and as I am in high school I have no clue what I am doing. With that said, this is the problem:
I am trying to make a google map that a user can click on a location and next to it a name of the location, type of location, rating, image, and description will appear.
This, was obviously too much for one teen with no life to accomplish in a few weeks but, it gets better. I also in my naive teenage ways thought to myself what if random users could submit their own locations to the map? How hard can that be? Well 3 weeks in with a due date of under 24 hours and on my 55th gallon of Pure Leaf Ice Tea I am totally 100% lost.
If any of the coding gods of Wix would like to shine their wisdom upon me I will be forever in your debt.
My website: https://21wennerg.wixsite.com/gofli