As a lot of you may know, the Wix paid plan (subscription plans) screen doesn’t look soo great, it’s in unattractive boxes, doesn’t have many design features and is stuck on one page. Fortunately you can integrate third party payment plans via platforms like Stripe or PayPal. When using these plans however I am not sure how I can allow users to view paying members only pages on my website. To give you a better understanding, through the Paid Plans with Wix, you can go to a pages settings and edit who can view that page. You can select an option called “Only selected members or paying customers” to make sure that only paying members can see that content aka the members who are paying for you Paid Plan through Wix. Can this also be done if you use a third party payment like stripe? Can it be done through the use of coding? I have little to no knowledge about coding and would appreciate some help. Thanks!
I think you can solve that by using some of the plugins. Or you have already tried that?
Hey Sebastian, thanks for the reply. I’m not exactly sure what plugins are. If you’re referring to Apps in the Wix App Store then those do not help or work.