Hide Chat Icon from Mobile Quick Action Bar

Is there a way to hide the Wix Chat icon in the mobile quick action bar? I am able to hide it from the desktop version using
$w.onReady( function () { $w(’ #wixChat1 ').hide() });

But it does not work on mobile.

I don’t want to delete the chat function because I want to make use the live visitors feature. But I also don’t want my visitors to reach me by chat.

Any help is appreciated!

Hi Jihad!
You can tick the “Hidden on load” toggle in the properties panel (enable corvid first).

~Hope this helps!~
Arthur :laughing:

Hi :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

The chat box on mobile is part of the action bar, so the actual chat element in Desktop is not present on Mobile, as a way around, you can hide the action bar, but you cannot hide the chat bubble alone without hiding the action bar itself as a whole.
