QuickActionBar hide on mobile device?

The QuickActionBar is activated for the desktop and so its also activated on the mobile device. I cannot see a hide function in the mobile settings. Is it possible to hide this item only on the mobile device??

Just change .show to .hide in this code …


Thanks Nayeli, but it didn’t work, removed the application totally.

In order to hide an element on mobile, you should use the hide function:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; 
$w.onReady(function () { 
   if(wixWindow.formFactor === "Mobile"){ 

On Naylei’s example, it’s to show an element on mobile only. In this case, you wish to hide an element on mobile only.

I hope it’s clear :slight_smile:

Hi Tal, thanks for the reply…

I know the function of hide and show and used it many times before with succes. So I changed it first, and the result global (site) as well as local (page): it didn’t hide (grrrr…). Also checked the ID-names on the desktop and on the mobile: no results… (yet?)

Can you please send us the site URL so that I can have a look?

Thanks Tal,

The site is not live yet (not public, is in test and with login ), almost ready, could be set live this evening… the owners are checking at this time. The site is very simple and I skipped the app (QuickActionBar, chat function) and turned off the developer-tool, because this was the only item in the console and there is no use for it at this time.

If the chat function is really needed by the owners I will set up a testsite and share the url. Then we can look into the matter. Thanks for now!