How can I access to a reference's title?

Hello there, as the title says, I’m asking if it’s possible to access a reference’s title using Velo.

I’m starting a blog and Wix Blog uses “categories”, and categories field in Database is a multi-reference field.

I connected the blog to a Repeater, and I’d like a textbox to show the categories of the post on each post.

I’ve tried this code:

    $w("#mainRepeater").onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
        $item("#text225").text = "";
 	for (let i = 0; i < itemData.categories.length; i++)
           	 $item("#text225").text = $item("#text225").text.concat(' ', itemData.categories[i], ",");

This code gets me the item’s ID, but I need the category’s title.

Is there any way to get it?

Thank you.