how can i change the time in my date&time database field ?

how can i change the time in my date&time database field ? i have a form that collect information about a user , but i want to include also a custom time from a select box .
when the user enter the date & send the form , in my db i see the date but the time is always 00:00 , i cannot seem to find a good & easy way to include a field only to my time .

please let me know how can i done it , thank u

#database #time

Wix does not provide a time picker they only provide a date picker. The date picker only passes date into that column on the database. So in the absense of a wix time picker what you have to do is create a seperate dropdown with the hours of the day i.e. at 1hr intervals. Then let the user select the time from the dropdown, then pass the time to a new coloum on your database

I have no idea why wix does not have a time picker, it has been requested for a long time.

thanks for the comment ! i will do that till wix will solve that :slight_smile: