I want the user to enter an ID that is unique to them into a textbox. After they enter the ID, they click “Go” and they are redirected to another site that pulls up their unique info based on the ID they entered. passing the ID into the url is all I need to do but can’t seem to figure it out on WIX.
Below is an example of how this code works on my original site. So I essentially just need to know how to convert below into something I can use on WIX.
PIN: <input type="text" id="userpin"><button target="_blank" onclick="window.open('https://xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/xxxx/welcome?pin='+document.getElementById('userpin').value,'_blank');">Go</button>
To achieve your aim you can use either the given elements of the Wix-Editor, or you do use an HTML-Component.
You will surely take several steps, before you will achieve your aim.
All these links will be useful for you, if you want to solve it the direct way.
To solve it via HTML-Component might be the easier way for you, cause you already know the codeing syntax in this case.
But You sure will also have to connect your HTML-Component with the page-code, to send & receive data between this two.
This will surely be the more known coding structure for you.
<body onload="init()">
<table id="table1"; border=10>
<tr id="row">
<td id="cell">    </td>