How do I add a date picker & time to the checkout page.

Hey guys,

is it possible to be able to add a mandatory date and time picker to the checkout for my customers to be able to pick a date and time for them to pick-up the product?

In my case, after the customer has selected a cake from the product page and they have moved onto the checkout page. I want them to be able to pick a date and time for pickup and if possible I would like to have control of how many products that can be done on each date.
i.e. limit the number of cakes on Thursday to 1 and Saturday to 3.

I would really much appreciate any help with this, I’m a super beginner and I thought WiX would be quite simple and supported. But I’ve been struggling over the past week in trying to do this.

Thanks guys,

I’d like to know the answer to this as well! Exactly this! Did you ever manage to find an answer??