Time Picker?

So I see an automatic date/time format on the db side of this, but I only see a pre-made date picker element made and ready, am I missing something related to time picker or is that just not there yet and has to be done manually?


It was not done yet, but is in our plans.

Thank you Yoav. In that case, would you please move this to feature requests whenever you get a chance? Hate to add to the clutter in the wrong spot.

This is really needed. Is there a tentative date when the Time picker will be available?

Will this feature work in wix store? i mean, would it be possible to implement date picker in the client order process and get the selected date in the order information email?

Can’t wait for this to be implemented, it is sorely needed. Some clue as to when its release is going to happen would be great. xx

Has this been implemented yet?

Guys, I posted this a while ago: https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/questions-answers/solution-datepicker-in-another-language

It´s a datepicker in another language, based on FlatPickr. But change 1 line of the settings, and it is a date/time or time-only picker (bound to a Wix collection).

I know you would like this native in Wix Code, but as long as it´s not there, this might be your best workaround.

Hi Giri,
Can you please share your code of adding flatpickr
