How do I add a percentage of the total sale to the invoice to recoup other system's service fees?

We are a non-profit organization that sells items using the Wix store front. We currently use PayPal or Square for the payment options, and each service charges a fee in the form of a percentage plus a small transaction (i.e. 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction). I’m not so worried about the $0.10 as I am about losing 2.6% on each sale.

If I try to use the Shipping option, I cannot find how to enact a percentage. The only options I can see to use are fixed dollars or a range of sales that have fixed dollars. If I try to use the Tax option (we do not charge sales tax on these items), then it looks like it will only charge the percentage if the person is in our state…and this service fee needs to go on every transaction regardless of where the person is.

Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.

Hi there - it sounds like you are trying to include the tax during the purchase to cover taxes from your elected payment gateway. If you don’t want to add a flat fee, you can always add the percentage to the price of the item itself. :slight_smile:

Yes, I have thought about that. But, because the percentage is the service fee, it is easier for us to track the actual sales money separate from the service fees. We do not intend to make a profit on the service fees, just simply pass them through.