How do I export and import data from my data collection

I would like to export and import my data collection by excel file. I found this answer in the help center (Velo Tutorial: Importing and Exporting Collection Data with Code | Help Center | but the obstacles of entering is a bit too high. Also, it is time consuming even if i use this system. Is there any other convenient way to import or export. Thank you so much for helping.


If there were such simple way, there would be no such article in the help center)
Anyway, team is working on this feature, but i cant say “when”

At this point you can import only with the flow from that article

Okay I will try my best, thank you so much.

I found that I could directly copy and paste into excel…

I am associating the following words with Wix. “It’s on the roadmap but we can’t say when”
NB: I see are starting a cloud based website designer. Lets hope they don’t use javascript. I honestly hate it.

Thank you for saving me hours of frustration. I just selected all my records in the collection…and copied it. Very easy. Why the “DEVELOPERS” at wix couldn’t tell us that is besides me.