How do I point a Wix domain to a web page?

[I would like to point my domain name to a page in Everybodywiki. Can I do this without changing the DNS records etc?]

[domain hosting and pointing from Wix to another website]

What are you trying to achieve:
[I want my Wiki to appear instead of my URL.]

What have you already tried:
[Help and forum]

This Wix help doc should help you out …

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Hiya, I need to just point it to a web page - this one below. So I can’t get the A and CNAME records for Everybodywiki. You used to be able to point it just by putting in the URL of the non-Wix / external website… Here is where I want to point my domain hosted at Wix

Oh. You want to forward the domain you purchased on Wix to a single URL.

I hope you are sitting down for this one ……

It is not possible to do so with Wix Domains purchased on Wix.

You would need to transfer your domain to a different domain registrar that allows that functionality. (Like Godaddy, Namecheap, etc)

Wix Domains doesn’t have forwarding.

Domain forwarding allows you to forward a domain to any single URL.

Domain connecting allows you to connect a domain to a whole website.

Look for a domain registrar that offers domain forwarding.

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