How to add different filters to different dynamic pages using the same dataset

So I’m creating a website on Wix.
On this site I have 5 dynamic pages and I would like (using the same dataset) to show specific values ​​for each dynamic page in a simple table.

I’ll explain myself better:
I’m going to talk about colors because it’s easier to explain. Let’s imagine that I have 5 different dynamic pages, one for each color (e.g.: red, yellow, green, blue and black).

Now, using a dataset in which I have all the products listed (of the different 5 colors mixed in the dataset), how do I show, for example, on the blue products dynamic page, only the products in the dataset that are blue and then when I switch to the yellow products dynamic page only the yellow products are listed in this table?

I’ve already tried adding filters, but the filters apply to all dynamic pages when the objective is to add different filters to different dynamic pages using the same dataset.

Did I explain well?